Cooperation. Prosperity. Confidence

We stand behind everything we do. We'll show you why.

Combining content and performance can do magic on Facebook

What happens when you combine quality content and performance on Facebook? You will create a long-term strong and conversion channel that will support sales and brand building. Knihy Dobrovský knows about this, with Facebook bringing thousands of orders a month and new visitors to brick-and-mortar stores.

4 400
conversions per month
CZK 30
cost per conversion
24 000
new fans
Reference detail

Count on the latest technologies

We love challenges. When electronics and IT vendor ExaSoft approached us with a request for PPC management and a very ambitious requirement to get PNO under 5 %, we didn't hesitate for a moment. This resulted in cooperation with a year-on-year increase in sales by 233 % and PNO 4.7 %.

100 %
achieving goals
233 %
increase in sales
4,7 %
cost share of turnover
Reference detail

Tescoma has double its sales

Did you know that it is possible to attract crowds of people to brick-and-mortar stores with one email? Our award-winning campaign for Tescoma can do this, even on a regular basis. In addition, on the day of the event, it increases sales by an average of 211 %.

211 %
increase in sales on the day of the event
335 %
increase in sales for members
loyalty program
21 %
open rate automated
Reference detail

Be different. Get attention

We like to discover innovative procedures. With our regular client, the fashion e-shop, we tested the new channel within three months. Push notifications. This channel serves as a great support vehicle for various types of marketing activities. This is because it increases customer retention and acquisition and helps maintain constant attention.

8 500
new subscribers
8,24 %
average rate
click through
Reference detail