Tesco has twice the sales

Did you know that it is possible to attract crowds of people to brick-and-mortar stores with one email? Our award-winning campaign for Tescoma can do this, even on a regular basis. In addition, on the day of the event, it increases sales by an average of 211 %.

53,4 %
Facebook revenue
20 %
average PNO
10 %
PNO for the best campaign


We got customers into stores

Linking online and offline activities is possible. Customers like to see the goods in person, experiential events attract them, and the chances of a sale in a brick-and-mortar store are higher.


The purpose of the emails was to invite members of the "Tescoma to má" loyalty program to a culinary event in stores. We sent fully responsive emails in two waves: 5 days and 1 day before the event. The main motivation was the 20% discount on the purchase of goods.

One of the indisputable advantages of the campaign was the possibility of detailed analysis of the results (for example, monitoring and evaluation of visits to the store, connection to other online marketing activities).


Sample newsletter

Automated campaign

The automated campaign created by us has the following form:

Success on all fronts

For its original concept, this campaign was awarded in 2016 in the WebTop100 competition.


The biggest success was a two-fold increase in sales on the day of the event, and the average open rate of 21 %, which the e-mail campaign maintains over the long term, is also successful. For its original concept, this campaign was awarded in 2016 in the WebTop100 competition, where it won 2nd place in the E-mailing campaign category.




211 %

overall increase in sales

335 %

increase in sales for members
loyalty program

21 %

open rate automated


place in the WebTop100 competition