
Something is always happening at Acomware. Be informed.

Získali jsme prestižní certifikaci Gold Certified Partner Bloomreach. Jako jedna ze 7 firem na světě

We received the prestigious Gold Certified Partner Bloomreach certification. As one of the 7 companies in the world

Acomware once again proved that it is among the strongest players in the market in the field of customer data and marketing automation. She became a Gold C...

Češi s obchodníky nejraději komunikují přes e-mail, sílí i sociální sítě

Czechs prefer to communicate with businessmen via e-mail, and social networks are also gaining strength

What communication channel do Czechs prefer to use if they need advice from a trader or want to solve a problem with him? And how art interferes with it today...

Skvělý úspěch: Máme bronz v evropské  soutěži Impact Awards!

Great achievement: We have bronze in the European Impact Awards!

We are very happy. Our creative agency Blueglue is celebrating another success. In the European creative competition Impact Awards (formerly the IMC European Awards) he won...

Online mění chování zákazníků i v kamenných obchodech. 65 % lidí hned na místě přes mobil hledá lepší cenu

Online is changing customer behavior even in brick-and-mortar stores. 65 % people are looking for a better price on the spot via mobile phone

Aren't those merchants who have a brick-and-mortar store in addition to an e-shop winning today? How many people actually buy from them in a brick-and-mortar store? On t...

Ocenění: Máme bronz v Internet Effectiveness Awards 2022

Awards: We have a bronze in the Internet Effectiveness Awards 2022

We are very happy. Our creative agency Blueglue won bronze in the Internet Effectiveness Awards 2022 for the campaign When I Grow Up for SpokojenyP...

Téměř polovina Čechů neodolá impulzivním online nákupům, nejvíc je láká móda a jídlo

Almost half of Czechs can't resist impulsive online shopping, they are most attracted by fashion and food

According to the latest large-scale consumer survey of more than 1,000 respondents, conducted for marketing agency Acomware and logistics-techno...

Acomware slaví 20 let. Podívejte se, jaká byla naše cesta

Acomware celebrates 20 years. See how our journey was

Our marketing agency celebrates its 20th birthday this year. Watch the video how our journey was and how we are today.

Digitální marketing O2 zajišťuje agentura Acomware

O2's digital marketing is provided by the agency Acomware

The company O2, the largest operator on the Czech market, chose the Acomware agency to provide it with complete digital marketing services, both for ...

Ocenění v soutěži IMC Czech Awards: Máme 2 stříbra

Awards in the IMC Czech Awards competition: We have 2 silver

We took home two silver awards from the IMC Czech Awards competition, and we were really pleased. We scored in the Direct B2B and B2C communication categories...
