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Jak na zákaznickou retenci chytře? O tom byl další Eshopista

How to do customer retention smartly? That's what another Eshopista was about

Why is working with a customer database important? What will work with data bring to the company? How to find a way to lost customers who have been with you for a long time...

Co dnes zákazníci e-shopů chtějí? O tom byl další Eshopista

What do e-shop customers want today? That's what another Eshopista was about

What do e-shop customers want today? How long are customers willing to wait for goods ordered from the e-shop? How do the e-shops themselves have to deal with this and...

Na Eshopistu zamířily špičky e-commerce. Byl o trendu Marketplaces

Eshopista was targeted by e-commerce leaders. He was about the Marketplaces trend

On Thursday, June 16, the traditional networking event Eshopista welcomed Czech e-commerce leaders to La Fabrica. It was an afternoon full of business inspiration, t...

Ohlédnutí za naší diskuzní platformou Eshopista

A look back at our Eshopista discussion platform

On Thursday, October 11, the new format of the Eshopista discussion platform took place at the Art & Event Gallery Černá labuť in Prague. Organizers from Acomw...

Ohlédnutí za konferencí Emailing 2020

A look back at the Emailing 2020 conference

World leaders in the field will talk about current trends in e-mail marketing on October 4 at the Emailing2020 conference. Among other things, it will be about artificial intelligence...

Letošní konferenci Emailing 2020 ovládnou zahraniční řečníci

This year's Emailing 2020 conference will be dominated by foreign speakers

World leaders in the field will talk about current trends in e-mail marketing on October 4 at the Emailing2020 conference. Among other things, it will be about artificial intelligence...

Přijďte na konferenci Emailing2020

Come to the Emailing2020 conference

As of May 2, 2018, David Vurma, who until now led the company's largest department - Performance and Digital Media, became the new CEO of ACOMWARE...
