Books by DobrovskýCombining content and performance can do magic on Facebook

What happens when you combine quality content and performance on Facebook? You will create a long-term strong and conversion channel that will support sales and brand building. Knihy Dobrovský knows about this, with Facebook bringing thousands of orders a month and new visitors to brick-and-mortar stores.

4 400
conversions per month
CZK 30
cost per conversion
24 000
new fans



The combination of quality content and thoughtful performance has made Facebook a powerful conversion channel.

Our cooperation with Knihy Dobrovský shows that for success on Facebook it may be appropriate to join forces. While the client has been creating quality content for this social network for a long time, our task was to ensure paid promotion of posts and manage long-term campaigns with the aim of getting as many conversions as possible.

The client and I set ourselves a specific goal of obtaining up to 4,000 post-view conversions per month at the maximum price CZK 50 per conversion.



From October 2017 to May 2018, we managed the following campaigns:

  1. Disposable campaigns – promos of bestsellers and the most requested novelties, spring events for Omega books, OnaDnes events and many others;
  2. Acquisition campaigns – promos of specific bestsellers, events with their own entry page (we track users from dynamic remarketing in a separate report);
  3. Dynamic campaigns – according to visitor behavior, product remarketing.

The most important target group was mostly women aged 25-44, who also represented 90 % fans.



As a positive side effect, we managed to gain more than 24,000 new fans on Facebook.

Depending on the type of campaign, we tried to combine different types of messages. Long-term communication was mainly about purchase benefits, such as free shipping or free in-store pickup. We also used special event, which included, for example, a discount of 15 % on Book Day.

We tested different ad formats and then advertised the more successful variants.


Video, čtvercový formát (vlevo), obdélníkový formát (vpravo) - úspěšnější

Video, square format (left), rectangular format (right) - more successful

Ukázka bannerů ve formátu carousel
Example of banners in carousel format


By combining quality content from the client and well-thought-out performance campaigns of our Performance specialists, the Facebook profile of Knihy Dobrovský has become a long-term strong conversion channel.

We are sales targets they met at 110 % and we managed to achieve almost half as small conversion costs versus plan. At the same time, the conversion costs did not exceed the limit 5 % from the average value of the order. We gained more than 24,000 new fans during the campaign.

Although we are not yet able to accurately measure the impact of the campaigns on sales in the brick-and-mortar network, according to salespeople, sales in stores have increased significantly. So on Facebook, we can not only increase sales, but also build a brand.



4 400

conversions per month

CZK 30

cost per conversion

24 000

new fans