
Something is always happening at Acomware. Be informed.

Těžké časy začaly i e-shopům. Češi od začátku týdne omezují nákupy online

Hard times have also begun for e-shops. Czechs have been limiting online shopping since the beginning of the week

E-shops with food are running out of time to deliver, but online sellers of other goods are beginning to feel the effects of the current measures. Just at the beginning of the week, the prod...

Únorový Eshopista se zaměří na expanzi e-shopů do zahraničí

The February Eshopista will focus on the expansion of e-shops abroad

On Thursday, February 20, 2020, the first Eshopista discussion of the year will take place in the premises of La Fabrika, which will focus on the issue of the expansion of e-shops to...

Kamenné řetězce dohánějí e-shopy. Na internetu už nabízejí stejné nebo lepší služby

Brick-and-mortar chains are catching up with e-shops. They already offer the same or better services on the Internet

Already 80 % of the largest brick-and-mortar chains in the Czech Republic sell their goods on the Internet, another 4 % at least allow the reservation of goods in store. It follows from our...

Black Friday mánie zasáhla Česko. Slevy nabízí 60 % obchodů, čas na nákup je do neděle

Black Friday mania has hit the Czech Republic. Discounts are offered by 60 % stores, the time to buy is until Sunday

This year, 61 % retail chains in the Czech Republic participated in the Black Friday discount event. This follows from research by the consulting company Acomware.

Každý třetí Čech nakupuje jídlo na internetu. Doménou e-shopů je erotické zboží

Every third Czech buys food on the Internet. The domain of e-shops is erotic goods

More than a third of Czechs buy food online, of which 16 % at least once a month. This is according to a survey by the consulting company Acomware, which...

Pavel Čihák převzal vedení konzultantů v Acomware

Pavel Čihák took over the management of consultants at Acomware

The position of head of consultants at Acomware was taken over in August by Pavel Čihák, who previously worked as head of marketing at MPU/Trinity Bank or...

Češi dávají e-mailům 8 sekund, aby si získaly jejich pozornost

Czechs give emails 8 seconds to get their attention

Almost a third of e-mails are closed by Czechs in the first eight seconds. We spend more time reading messages on a mobile phone than on a computer monitor, but from the point of view of...

Petr Vondráček řídí obchod a konzultanty ve společnosti Acomware

Petr Vondráček manages the business and consultants at Acomware

Petr Vondráček is a new member of the management of the consulting company Acomware. The former marketing director of mBank or Poštovní spořitelna is in charge of managing...

Nově spravujeme výkonnostní kampaně, SEO a linkbuilding pro společnost TESCOMA

We are now managing performance campaigns, SEO and link building for TESCOMA

Prague, May 27, 2019 – Performance campaigns, optimization of the e-shop and link building of the Czech manufacturer and seller of kitchen utensils TESCOMA has new...

Kreativu v Acomware přebírá Luděk Kováč

Luděk Kováč takes over creative at Acomware

Luděk Kováč has been the new creative director at the consulting company Acomware since April. In the past, he worked in creative positions at agencies Wu...
