Czechs give e-mails 8 seconds,
to get their attention


Almost a third of e-mails are closed by Czechs in the first eight seconds. We spend more time reading news on a mobile phone than on a computer monitor, but computers still lead in terms of conversions. The most popular Czech e-mail clients are, for example, from Seznam. As the use of Gmail and Apple devices increases, interactive emails will be deployed more frequently. Thanks to their technology, both clients allow readers to render interactive content.

An analysis by the consulting company Acomware confirmed that Czechs devote a relatively short time to incoming messages from companies. On average, we spend less than 8 seconds on up to thirty percent of emails. During this time, Czechs "scan" the message with their eyes, and if the content does not interest them, they usually close it without further action. Companies have very little time to gain the attention of the recipient of the message, and the first 8 seconds are decisive. “The data also confirms that users consume email content longer on mobile than on a desktop screen. Approximately three-quarters of recipients will wait more than 8 seconds for a message on a mobile, in the case of a computer it is only 56 %. Although Czechs read news on mobile for longer, computers lead in terms of conversions. However, the conversion rate on mobile devices is increasing year-on-year," adds Petr Cikán, head of the E-mail marketing and technology department at Acomware.

The analysis also focused on which device we read e-mails on and which are the most popular browsers. In recent years, the share of mobile phones has been growing. Currently, 43 % Czechs monitor incoming mail on their mobile phones. As for the preferred e-mail client, Czech clients have the highest representation with a share of almost 35%, while has the greatest weight. "In this respect, it is a Czech specificity, because in the global comparison, foreign players such as Gmail (28 %) or Apple iPhone (28 %) dominate. For example, in Slovakia, almost every second user uses Gmail. The share of Czech e-mail clients is closely related to the age of the contact database. The older the project's database, the higher the percentage of e-mail subscribers using domestic tools. For some campaigns, this share reaches up to 50 %," clarifies Petr Cikán.

Gmail in the Czech Republic is currently used by less than 20 % users and Apple iPhone by almost 16 %. Petr Cikán adds to these figures: "From the point of view of innovation, we consider the significant share of Gmail and Apple devices to be key. Both clients are leaders in the field of e-mail tools and already support a number of interactive elements that can be used and displayed to a significant number of users. We expect a big revolution in this area after the expansion of AMP support for e-mail (Accelerated Mobile Pages for e-mail).” Interactive e-mails can take a number of forms, from image changes when hovering the cursor and hamburger menus to more advanced carousels or hotspots to expert games or microsites. The deployment of interactive e-mails promises a better user experience of the e-mail content, an opportunity to stand out from the competition, and also an increase in conversions.

Litmus analysis

Data collection to compile an analysis of the state of e-mail marketing in the Czech Republic was carried out from March to April 2019 using the Litmus tool. Testing was done on 223,634 opened emails. Only e-mails opened in the Czech Republic were included in the analysis.


Kamil Gric

+420 737 289 527



Acomware is a specialized consulting company for e-commerce and digital marketing. Since 2002, he has been helping companies achieve the best possible results in his environment. It increases sales, builds new brands or improves customer care. The company's services are used by retail chains, e-shops and manufacturing companies.

The Czech e-commerce scene is a home for Acomware, which it is actively trying to develop and cultivate. He participates in the development and implementation of new tools and technologies, trains experts and enthusiasts. On the website publishes unique research and studies. He is the organizer of the Performance 2020, Emailing 2020 conferences and the Eshopista discussion cycle.

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