A webinar from Acomware showed how to manage digital advertising in B2B

On Tuesday, March 16, in cooperation with the Association for Electronic Commerce (hereafter APEK), we organized a webinar on the topic of digital advertising in B2B. Our event attracted 109 registrations and thus became one of the most popular APEK webinars this year.

Many B2B companies are strengthening their investments in e-commerce. In addition to the current situation, the vision of the opportunities that the digital market offers leads them to this. Yet digital advertising often presents an insurmountable obstacle for them. They hesitate how to strategically manage, target and evaluate it.

That's why we prepared a rich program for the webinar participants, which was supposed to answer their most frequent questions related to digital advertising in B2B. For example, they learned:

A number of interesting things were heard at the event. For example, did you know that:

  1. Over 90 % B2B customers start their shopping journey in an internet search (source Forrester).
  2. B2B users conduct an average of 12 searches before interacting with a specific company's website (source Google).
  3. About 90 % B2B customers will research between 2-7 sites before deciding to buy (source Digital Commerce 360).
  4. Due to the effects of the coronavirus, up to 96 % business teams in B2B switched to remote business activities (source McKinsey).

The webinar enjoyed a great response, which made us very happy. Participants rated our expertise with an average score of 1.3 on a scale of 1 (best) to 5 (worst). We thank APEK for cooperation in organizing the event. If you are more interested in the topic of digital advertising in B2B, be sure to contact us.


Dusan Smoljak

Business Development Manager


+420 773 761 262



Acomware is a specialized consulting company for e-commerce and digital marketing. Since 2002, he has been helping companies achieve the best possible results in his environment. It increases sales, builds new brands or improves customer care. The company's services are used by retail chains, e-shops and manufacturing companies.

The Czech e-commerce scene is a home for Acomware, which it is actively trying to develop and cultivate. He participates in the development and implementation of new tools and technologies, trains experts and enthusiasts. On the website www.acomware.cz publishes unique research and studies. He is the organizer of the Eshopista discussion series.

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