Case studies

Češi dávají e-mailům 8 sekund, aby si získaly jejich pozornost

Czechs give emails 8 seconds to get their attention

Almost a third of e-mails are closed by Czechs in the first eight seconds. We spend more time reading messages on a mobile phone than on a computer monitor, but from the point of view of...

Získání vyššího tržního podílu na vysoce konkurenčním německém trhu

Gaining a higher market share in the highly competitive German market

Since the beginning of 2012, has been one of the e-shops focused on contact lenses of the company Maternia s.r.o. Well-functioning cooperation between the e-shop...

Výzkum: 89 % českých e-shopů očekává letos růst tržeb

Research: 89 % Czech e-shops expect sales growth this year

The survey among Czech e-shops was carried out at the beginning of this year. At the same time, he confirmed what a successful year domestic e-shops have had behind them. "Last year...

Výkonnostní model SEO – zvyšujeme návštěvnost o 200 %

SEO performance model - we increase traffic by 200 %

Performance SEO is a business model that focuses purely on performance within organic search traffic. So you only pay for visitors, ...

Vliv budování odkazů na neplacené vyhledávání

The impact of link building on organic search

Cooperation with e-shop was started in the area of site optimization and backlinks at the turn of 2011/2012. Our goal was to help...

číst Unikátní kampaň zvyšuje prodeje u stávajících zákazníků Unique campaign increases sales among existing customers

In the spring of 2016, we approached our client with an idea for a new e-mail campaign, which will be intended to reactivate its existing customers...

Unikátní studie: 51 % českých retailových prodejců nemá e-shop

Unique study: 51 % Czech retailers do not have an e-shop

More than half of Czech chains do not operate their own e-shop in the Czech Republic, the smallest share of e-shops is in the clothing and food segment. Which fields, on the other hand, into online...

Topenílevně.cz: Uživatelské testování odhalilo chyby v použitelnosti

Topenílevné.cz: User testing revealed errors in usability

The online store TopeníLevně.cz showed a significantly lower conversion rate. The task of user testing was therefore to reveal as many obstacles as possible on the way...

Tescoma: Originální e-mailová kampaň propaguje kulinářské akce

Tescoma: An original email campaign promotes culinary events

We have been helping Tescoma with e-mail marketing since 2013 and in the first 12 months we increased their turnover from e-mailing by 99 %. In the middle of the year...

číst Nová strategie PPC přinesla růst tržeb o 458 % The new PPC strategy brought an increase in sales by 458 %

Optimizing PPC campaigns can multiply your income in a relatively short time. A good example is the e-shop, where in 6 months we achieved ...
