Most retail chains already sell online

From research on a sample of 125 sellers in 16 different segments, prepared by ACOMWARE in cooperation with the department of marketing of the Faculty of Business Administration of the University of Economics in Prague, it follows that all the largest merchants sell their goods on the Internet in a total of 7 segments. 91 companies already operate their own e-shop.

The segments in which the number of new e-shops increased the most in 2016 also include sports equipment and goods for health and beauty. In addition to them, all major retailers also offer their products on the Internet a toybookscarpetspet store, or equipment to bathroom.

Already last year, companies began to respond to the shift of customers from ordinary computers to mobile devices, which they use not only to search for goods, but also to make purchases. A mobile or responsive website, which enables correct display on mobile devices, already has 70 % sellers. In the last two years, this number has significantly increased by more than twofold.

It is also developing positively service offer, which individual traders on the Internet offer. Possibility to pick up you are goods 75 % companies offer, similar to last year, ordered online in a brick-and-mortar store. In addition, the number of traders who indicate in the e-shop whether a given item is available has increased significantly in shop in stock– this information can currently be found in half of the companies. Possibility claim goods already offers 65 % sellers in brick-and-mortar stores, directly return goods but it only works with 45 % traders.
