Workshop: Email

We know everything about e-mailing. Bet on the ideal portion of practical information about databases, automation, dynamic display or personalization.

What will the workshop bring you?

New concepts

Do you feel like you don't understand technical terms? We will explain in detail what you can encounter in e-mailing and answer even the trickiest questions.

Personal marketing

We have experience from foreign markets with fierce competition. We know exactly how to rapidly increase the performance of your campaigns, drive conversions and reduce the cost per click.

Real examples

How are the numbers? We will present you with our own case studies from real campaigns for our clients. Theory is not everything.

Automated email campaigns dramatically reduce time and financial costs. Plus, it delivers great results. We will teach you how to use them correctly.

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Ivona Ševčíková
Head of Retention & Customer Experience

Come and educate yourself




Maximum 30 people




according to individual requirements