Jitka Gráfová is now in charge of the marketing of the Acomware agency

Jitka Gráfová joined the marketing agency Acomware as Marketing Communications Manager. He will be in charge of the complete marketing of the agency.

She comes to Acomware from the logistics company PPL, where she was responsible for PR, external communication and marketing of both product and brand campaigns.

In the marketing agency Acomware, her task will be preparation and implementation of marketing strategy and communication plans as well as corporate events, including a series of popular Eshopista e-commerce networking events.

"Acomware is where creativity, data and technology come together to create personalized campaigns that bring profit. In addition to expertise, the agency immediately won me over with its corporate culture, which is based on openness, friendly communication and humanity," states Jitka Gráfová.

"We provide our clients with a professional marketing service in the field of e-commerce, from performance marketing and e-mailing marketing to the preparation of marketing campaigns, the creation of creative or video spots and the purchase of media to the creation of content for social networks. We use top technologies that create smart personalized campaigns, but we sometimes forget about our own agency marketing to work for clients.” says CEO of Acomware agency David Vurma.

"I am pleased that we have acquired such a senior marketing and communication expert as Jitka in our internal team, and I believe that together we will move our brand and marketing activities even further", adds Vurma.

Jitka Gráfová is no stranger to the agency environment, in the past she worked as Head of PR/Marketing at the marketing agency Wunderman Thompson, where she was in charge of external and internal communication, or she took care of the communication of the digital agency RobertNemec.com. In the past, she handled PR and marketing for clients such as Ondrášovka, Tatry Mountain Resorts, Česká mincovna, JYSK and Skiareál Špindlerův Mlýn. Before that, she worked as an editor and editor in the media for ten years (iDNES.cz, aktualne.cz).

About Acomware
Acomware is a marketing agency for e-commerce and digital marketing. It has been on the market for 20 years and helps companies achieve the best possible results. It increases sales, builds new brands or improves customer care. It prepares personalized campaigns directly tailored to customers, creates content that catches the eye, shoots video spots, takes care of clients' social networks and ensures the purchase of media space.
The company's services are used by retail chains, e-shops and manufacturing companies.

The Czech e-commerce scene is a home for Acomware, which it is actively trying to develop and cultivate. He participates in the development and implementation of new tools and technologies, trains experts and enthusiasts. He is the organizer of the Eshopista discussion series.